Uniformed Division Labor Committee
Uniformed Division Labor Committee

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  • 2024 Executive Board Elections

    Election results are in!

    Jason Moore - Chairman

    Stephen Conway - Vice Chairman

    Kiounte Lineberger - 2nd Vice Chairman

    Terrance Pyeron - Treasurer

    Amber Morgan - Secretary

    Anthony Solo - Membership Chair

    Adam Quest - Executive Shop Steward


    We know it has been awhile since we, the UDLC Executive Board, have sent out any emails to the members.  We just wanted to give everyone an update on a few things. 2024 FOP cards are finally in.  If you are WHB, please respond to the Lt's office and check his mailbox. There is a large box with member's card in it. Thank you.

    Special Category Employees and Elimination of the Early Withdrawal Penalty — Barfield Financial Please take a look at the hyperlink above. This is latest information that we have found. In short, the old rule from TSP that you have to retire the year you turn 50 or later to be able to touch your TSP money is out. Click "Read more" to access the link.

    Tarovisky Plaintiffs, It is with a sad heart that Robert and I write to tell you that the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the trial court and ruled against us (2-1) in the shutdown cases.  We strongly disagree with the majority decision, but are grateful for the strong dissent explaining why the other 2 judges should have ruled in our favor.

    Brothers and Sisters, After the events in 2020, DHS mandated for agencies to create a collection system for Use of Force incidents, and in 2022, President Biden signed Executive Order “Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety.

    We have received numerous inquiries regarding the recent removal of Safety Leave for COVID-19. We have forwarded your concerns and questions to our attorneys and received the following reply from the Law Offices of Patrick J. McAndrew, LLC.

    Lodge News E-mails FOP Lodge #1 makes every effort to keep its membership informed. There is quite a lot of information that is distributed weekly by e-mail. If you are not receiving our regular frequent updates, please do the following: Contact the lodge at 202-408-7767, ext. 1 or send an e-mail to lodge-secretary@dc-fop.

    Contact Elected Officials!

    Join the UDLC

    The Uniformed Division Labor Commitee is represented by the Fraternal Order of Police in bargaining for Labor Rights and is one part of the FOP Lodge #1, which is comprised of thirty-eight Law Enforcement Agencies that are Headquartered in the Nation’s Capital, Washington, DC. 

    New Membership Online Application Now Available

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    All, I have recieved from an Officer at the White House what appears to be additional benefits to law enforcement officers through the Public Safety Officers Benefits Program -Department of Justice. There is no fee for the benefits. Currently if you were to pass in the line of duty the DOJ would conduct an investigation and your family would be able to get over 300K at no charge.
    To all incoming members: The FOP has increased their dues per member as of January 1, 2023. Because of this increase, the Executive Board have voted to increase the initial fee to join from $50 to $55. Please understand this increase is only due to FOP Lodge 1 raising the dues.
    All,  It has been brought to our attention that there are rumors that  FOP National Lodge may be supporting additonal federal government restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. I have attached 2 links that states the National FOP's comments on the matter.   The UDLC board will not make an offical statement regarding this matter.

U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division Labor Committee
711 4th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

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